The phrase oh bugger means that something was hard or the task was difficult.
there are many, one you probably mean is dappy
How cool! How exicting! Oh my god!
Led Zeppelin's "D'yer Mak'er" starts out with the lyrics "oh oh oh oh oh oh, you don't have to go, oh oh oh oh..." Less "oh's" in a row, but maybe you didn't mean specifically nine "oh's" ?
Bugger is a slang, somtimes thought of as offensive word which is used in a similar way to "Damn". e.g. "Oh bugger! I lost the bet". It is thought of as offensive because it means anal sex.
'bugger me if you can'
Bugger is a bugger in ur nose and a cheeseburger is a burger with cheese
The word 'bugger' is a slang term for someone who does unacceptable sexual practices. 'Bugger' comes from the old Anglo-Norman word, 'Boulgre', which comes from the original name for the Bulgars, a rough tribe who originally conquered the area now named, 'Bulgaria'. These days, 'Bugger' can mean a cute person, usually male, or "To heck with", as in, "Bugger that!" In areas like Australia, it hardly means anything at all, and is used like we might say, "Gees!"
everyone is a bugger in this world but animals arent because they are small and furry.
"Bugger" can be a friendly, colloquial term for a rascal, or it can be used as an insult for someone who's unfair or mean-spirited. It depends entirely on the context. If one is facing a problem, it can also mean that it's an annoying problem and very difficult to figure out, e.g. "It's a real bugger why that engine keeps missing." Similarly, to "bugger up" something means to make a real mess of it. There are also more vulgar connotations, which any dictionary will list, but generally Australians do not use it in that way.
"Bugger" can be a friendly, colloquial term for a rascal, or it can be used as an insult for someone who's unfair or mean-spirited. It depends entirely on the context. If one is facing a problem, it can also mean that it's an annoying problem and very difficult to figure out, e.g. "It's a real bugger why that engine keeps missing." Similarly, to "bugger up" something means to make a real mess of it. There are also more vulgar connotations, which any dictionary will list, but generally Australians do not use it in that way.
you must brush your teeth you gross unhygienic little bugger! brush your teeth right now!
The term "bugger" is a slang term that can be used in a derogatory or vulgar manner to refer to someone, typically to express annoyance, surprise, or disregard. It can also refer to the act of anal intercourse. The term has various meanings depending on the context in which it is used.
"cheese bugger"?! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣