Jenna Marie Mason
Born on 26 OCT 1980 in London, England, UK, Essy Moore's real name is . . . . Essy Moore. She is also known as Estrella Spangled. She is a porn star who vital statistics follow:measurements: 34C - 26 - 36 (natural breasts)height 6ft even at 141 pounds.slim with brown hair and brown eyes
Edward Anthony Masen (Cullen)
his middle name is Dash
Trina Braxton's birth name is Trina Evette Braxton.
Micah Moore's real name is Don Torros.
Emma Roberts
Mason Musso is the real name of the member of the Click Five.
No that isn't his real name
Jenna Marie Mason
Justin Moores middle name is Cole.
Mason's real name is Greg Sulkin. ~Emily
On Degrassi, Spinner's real name is Gavin Mason. In real life, his name is Shane Kippel.
mason's real name is gregg sulkin
gaven mason
It's Cook, he goes by Mason Cook, but his real last name is Elston.
Mason Betha :-)