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Jim Jones was a powerful cult leader and a communist dictator of "Jones Town". He single handedly persuaded and convinced over 900 people that he was a god-like figure. From this he commanded/asked them to great a truly "peaceful" society away from all modern civilization. He and his followers (which consisted of families including young children) hand-built a full town to create this society in. This town was called "Jones Town" and was near Georgia (I think). Anyway, over time Jim Jones drug abuse and mental un-stability lead him to be paranoid about his followers betraying him. Long story short, Jim wouldn't let anyone out of Jones Town or in it. He pushed out the press that was curious about Jones Town and punished the so called "traitors" of it, which built up fear in Jonestown, which was treated more like a VERY strict camp than a town. So that was basicly what Jim ones was like. But this is what he was famous for:

- a small group of people managed to get into Jones Town that was lead by Congressman Leo Ryan legaly. Jim and most of his followers saw them as evil "outsiders" that wanted to "steal their children". The first time this group made a visit everything seemed to go smoothly, yet on the second visit (i think) one of Jim's followers gunned down and killed Mr Ryan and several others from the group in cold blood. It is likely that this was an assassination sent directly from Jim.

-being extremely paranoid (as stated above)

-Used magic tricks to convince people he was a god

- MOST IMPORTANTLY!!!!!!!1!!1!1...2 He got so afraid of the media getting into his Jones Town that he managed to convince almost all of his followers (keep n mind that about 300 were young children) that suicide is the only way to true peace. On that day (september 11 2001) over 900 people were found dead in Jones Town (including 300 children who were mostly not much older than ten years old)due to poison in juice supplied by Jim Jones (who also commited Suicide with them).


Im not an official user so there is no point 2 me doing this, but hope this helped anyway man!!!

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