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William "BJ" Wilson Jr..... goes by BJ

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Q: What is kid krunk real named?
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How old is kid krunk?

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I do not have information on a person named Kyler Krunk.

How old is krunk?

Kid Krunk is 19 ...born July 29, 1993

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Is kyler krunk a girl?

No and his real name is Alex!/Cakeissgood123

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StayBent Krunk-a-Delic was born in 1974.

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The cast of Baden Krunk - 2011 includes: Justin Yapp as Juergen

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What was the real name of the comics character Kid Quantum?

There have been 3 Kid Quantums. The first was a shapeshifting being called a Protean who constructed an identity named James Cullen. The second was a real person whose name was actually James Cullen. The third was Jazmin Cullen.