His name in real life is Chad
megan's real name is Miranda Cosgrove
Jack Godfrey's real first name is John
Her Real life name is Kaley Cuoco.
what is grace real first and last name counting on grace
Her first name in real life is Jeanette and her second name is McCurdy.
First of all its Miley Cyrus... and yeah that's her real name in true life... on Hannah Montana her name is Miley Stuart .
yes, his full name is Paul Kevin II. He prefers to be called Kevin.
First her name is Elizabeth Gillies and no she is not goth in real life. She extremely sweet and nice.
well on the program her real name is alison but in real life it is demi lovato xxx
what is belle the horses real name in real life...? the saddle club
He is a fictional character in a book. His first named is Ronald.
Amy Juergens' real name in real life is Shailene Woodley.
His name in Suite life of Zack and Cody is Marian Mosbey In real life his name is Phil Lewis
Pa Kettle's name in the movie is Franklin Kettle. His real life name is Percy Kilbride.
Jane's name is real life (the actresses name) is Paula Brancati :)