Jenny's Fan Mail Address is: USA: Jenny Nimmo
c/o Scholastic Inc.
557 Broadway
New York, NY 10012
USA England: Fan Mail Address:
Jenny Nimmo
c/o Egmont Books
239 Kensington High Street
London W8 6SA
UK Hope this helps!
Yes, Jenny is smart...
Jenny Laird is 5' 4".
Jenny Kallur's birth name is Jenny Margareta Kallur.
jenny funnell is 5foot two and is now 49 years old happy birthday jenny
Jenny Hefner is 5' 7".
David Wynn Millward
Nimmos Pond Screenshot
Nimmos Pond Screenshot
Yes: It is
Jenny's Grandmother's house.
WA does not give out email addresses of companies nor telephone numbers.
Jenny is just Jenny in German; there is no German translation.
Jenny Neuburger goes by Jenny.
Jenny Kramer goes by Little Tiger, and Deadly Blossom.