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Jasper used to be obsessed with the idea of joining the army to fight for his country, so he lied and joined when he was to young to join. After joining his father found out and became very impressed with what he had chosen to do in life.

In the army there was a war against two countries ( or sides) and one night after a raid on a enemy town he was passing through the waste lands when he came across three young women dressed in white. At first the seemed like normal women until Jasper heard what they were saying about him, they wanted to kill him. Eventually they killed him and used him to create more newborn vampires. Yet since newborn vampires are stronger the older vampires, these women had a desire to only use young vampires.

They kept creating newborns until there was a total of 27 newborns within the coven, then they started wars against enemy covens to claim the better populated land in and around Mexico. Each time they fought they would lose some but every battle they fought they won. After some months or so the vampires became useless, so Jasper was assigned the job of killing the vampires they didn't need. Over the years they kept one other vampire, Peter. They kept him because he was a good strong fighter.

By then One of the women , Maria, had dominated the coven and killed off her sisters, making her head of the coven. Peter and Jasper had the job of killing of the unwanted and one night when they were about to kill a young female vampire named Charlotte. Peter lashed out to save her since they had fallen in love. Peter and Charlotte ran away from the wars and from Maria.

Soon after Jasper decided to join Peter and Charlotte whilst they travelled. Jasper had left Maria since he could no longer stand seeing fellow vampires being wasted away and killed. Over there travels Jasper developed a power , yet he didn't no what it was so he suffered from it.

Later on he goes to a diner in America where he sits next to a pixie like girl with short browny-black hair. She turns round to him and says " I thought you weren't ever going to show up". That is how Alice and Jasper met, Alice went on to see their future with a family called the Cullens and so they set off to join there family. In the book Jasper shows Bella the similar scar he has got on his wrist from his attacks, yet he has them all over his body. He calls them his ' battle scars'.

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