Imprinting in animal terms is what a duckling does when it sees it's mother and think that he/she looks the same. So of a duckling imprints on a human shoe, it'll think that it is a shoe and try to make babies with other shoes.
Assuming that you mean imprint, as in the imprinting in the Twilight saga, and assuming you are asking if humans in the Twilight saga imprint, then the answer is no. Imprinting in the Twilight saga is werewolves-only. However, some people in the real world do believe in the whole "Love at first sight" thing. Many people do fall in love at the first sight of people. It's really up to you, if you believe in love at first sight, then yes humans do imprint in a way. If you don't believe in love at first sight, then no they don't imprint at all.
It is when a werewolf falls head over heels in love with someone. It is were they would wait forever for that person.
what does f.w.l. [in i.m. terms] mean?
she can but she did not do it yet
Sam imprinted on Emily Young :)
An imprint fossil is formed when an animal or plant makes a print in the soil. Such as a footprint.
Their mothers show them what to do. Most baby animals will "imprint" on the mother as the first thing the baby animal sees, and follow her everywhere and do what she does. In some cases, the animal will imprint on some other animal or on a human. Usually this has no great harm.
A species of animal that eats the dead remains of another animal.
Humans don't imprint on things. imprinting means once and animal is born, the first thing that it sees it is attached to. For example: ducks imprint.
Yes an imprint is considered a fossil if it was created by life and the animal/plant/fungi in question is no longer alive. It is generally assumed that only if it is very old it is a fossil but technically this is not so.
You might mean impress...or imprint...or embrace... Please let us know which word you mean.
A fossilized imprint of an animal's foot is called a trace fossil or ichnofossil. These provide important information about the behavior and ecology of ancient organisms.
The imprint "TC" on a gold charm after "14 karat gold" likely represents the manufacturer's mark or company initials. It doesn't have a standard universal meaning in terms of gold quality or purity. The 14 karat gold stamp indicates that the charm is made with 58.3% gold content.
They are preserved forms of animal or anything else that was left behind form thousand and thousand of years ago.