Hattie McDaniel did not have a full name, her full name was Hattie McDaniel. In 1940 she became the first African American to win an Oscar.
Hattie Weaver Wood.
Mona Campbell's birth name is Hattie Ramona Raye.
Her oldest sister is named Rebbie {Maureen}. Her other sister is of course LaToya.
Juliet McDaniel goes by Scout, Dollface, and Hey You.
No information has been released that indicates that Hattie Winston has had a stroke.
hattie may mcdaniels
No, it was Butterfly McQueen.
Lector McDaniels's birth name is Lector Bernard McDaniels.
Gene McDaniels's birth name is Eugene Booker McDaniels.
Hattie McDaniels Best Supporting actress in Gone with The Wind
Darryl McDaniels's birth name is Darryl Lovelace.
Hattie Russell's birth name is Hattie Crenan.
Hattie Buskirk's birth name is Hattie Warren.
1940 - Hattie McDaniel was the first African-American win an Oscar. She was nominated for Best Supporting Actress, and she won for her role as Mammy in Gone with the Wind (1939).
Yes. Hattie McDaniel was the first black person to be nominated for and receive an Academy Award. She won the Best Supporting Actress Award for her performance as Mammy in "Gone With the Wind" (1939).
There is only one name for any hurricane. Hattie is the first and only name for Hurricane Hattie.
Hattie Carnegie's birth name is Henrietta Kanengeiser.