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god doesnt make himself known. we have to pray to him and feel his presence


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Q: What is god making himself known called?
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What do we call god making himself known to us?

Divine Revelation

What do Catholics call God making himself known to us?

Divine Revelation

How is God making Himself known to us?

With all due respect to the asker, but I suggest they just look around.

What is the purpose of divine revelation?

God's gift of making himself known to us and giving himself to us by gradually communicating his own mystery in words and deeds.

How did god make himself known to israel?

by the cloud

What name does God give himself?

When asked by Moses what name shall God be called by, God answered, "I AM"

How did god the holy spirit make himself known?

In the form of a dove

When is the judgementday?

The judgement day is not known by anyone other than God Himself.

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How did Jesus view god?

Jesus viewed God as His Father, but not only that but we are told in John 5:18, ".....Jesus also said that God was His father, making Himself equal with God". Philippians 2:6, "Jesus who being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God." Jesus Christ presented Himself to the world as God because He was God. Jesus said to Thomas in John 14: 6-7, Jesus said to him, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one come to the father except through me. If you would had known Me, you would have known My Father also." Jesus and the Father are one.

What was Eros the god of love known for?

Eros or known as cupid by the romans is known for making people fall in love

Which delhi sultan often called himself the 'shadow of god'?
