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GCHQ stands for Government Communications Head Quarters

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Global Communications Headquarters

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What actors and actresses appeared in Fled - 2013?

The cast of Fled - 2013 includes: Ian Brooker as Officer - GCHQ Sean Connolly as CIA Agent - GCHQ Laura Edghill as Viking Section Officer Matt Harley as SWAT team member Greg Hobbs as SWAT officer Maura Judges as Woman in church Nick Lancaster as Viking Section Leader - GCHQ Michael Parle as Priest Louise Stokes as Church cleaner Isla Ure as Girl in church

Why was Alan Turing arrested?

Homosexuality was illegal back then and they found out about his relationship with a man from Manchester. He then lost his job due to the vetting process at GCHQ not allowing gays and also his holidays abroad and foreign contacts made him a security threat

What relation does council of civil service unions v minister for the civil service 1984 have with national security?

In 1984 the then Prime Minster, Margaret Thatcher, ordered government employees at GCHQ (General Communications Headquarters) to cease belonging to a trade union. (GCHQ was the hub of Britain's signnals intelligence at the time). Whether or not she really regarded the trade unions as subversive, pro-Communist, etc., is unknown. At the time there were rumours that she was acting on orders from President Reagan ... In any case the affair brought Margaret Thatcher into a high profile conflict with the trade unions.

What is Britain doing to protect herself from terrorist attacks?

Counter-terrorism operations in the United Kingdom are, for obvious reasons, secret and not released to the public. However the Foreign Secretary has made clear that text monitoring by GCHQ has the aim of countering terrorism.

How would you ensure that an email is deleted?

Clear it from your 'deleted' folder - HOWEVER... For legal reasons ALL email providers MUST retain sent and received emails for a statutory length of time - therefore, although YOU have deleted the email - it is still held in the archive section on the mail server ! Additionally - EVERY email into and out of the UK is stored by GCHQ !

People contributed to the success historyofcomputer?

Charles Babbage (1792-1871) who developed a differential engine which was able to perform computations mechanically. The engine was never comleted until very recently, and it does just what he said it would. Alan Mathison Turing (!(!"-1954) outlined a theoretical universal machine later called a Turing machine, which later at GCHQ at Bletchley Park became the "Colossus" a forerunner of the computer and was used to break the German codes during WWII.

What was the british computer called?

The first British computer, also the first programmable digital electrical computer, was the Colossus. It was built during WW2 at Bletchley Park, which housed the Government Code and Cypher School (now named the Government Communications Headquarters, GCHQ). It was used primarily to decrypt secret German messages. The Colossus was not Turing complete. I imagine that it was a lovely blue color.The other possibility is the Analytical Engine, designed by Charles Babbage in the 19th century. It was never completed, but it would have been digital, programmable, and Turing complete (albeit very, very slow, even compared to ENIAC or Colossus). I imagine that it was a manly brown color.

What cipher is rsa encryption?

In cryptography, RSA (which stands for the names of the people who first publicly described it; Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman ) is an algorithm for public-key cryptography. Clifford Cocks, a British mathematician working for the British intelligence agency GCHQ described an equivalent system in an internal document in 1973. His discovery, however, was not revealed until 1998 due to its top-secret classification, and Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman devised RSA independently of Cocks' work.RSA uses asymmetric keys, i.e. key "pairs" for encryption and decryption. The message is converted to an integer using a padding scheme and then encrypted using modulo arithmetic and the one of the keys of the pair. It is decrypted using the same modulo arithmetic and the the other key of the pair.

Where is the real base for MI5?

The Headquarters of MI5 is Thames House, Millbank, Central London. The Service also certainly maintains numerous other discreet "facilities" ("safe house", secure locations etc) in and around Greater London, and probably in many other UK cities. MI5 regularly uses training facilities (either MOD or Police controlled) in Kent, the Greater London & Home Counties areas, and also those situated in certain C19th fortifications around Portsmouth. It is also very likely that there's a strong MI5 presence at GCHQ, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, and at the Joint Services Intelligence Centre, Chicksands. There's no secret "real base" for MI5: its HQ is in Central London in Thames House, but its personnel certainly regularly work in and out of numerous other locations - who knows where?!

What are the Main functions of Parliament of the UK?

Parliament is now virtually the only source of legislation. The main, but very limited, exception is legislation under the prerogative e.g. in regard to civil servants at GCHQ. This power to legislate is especially important in so far as Article 4 goes on to provide that Acts of Parliament alone (and not the prerogative as recognised in earlier common law cases) can authorise the levying of taxes. Together, these Articles are vital in ensuring that the executive accounts to Parliament, and both give Parliament some leverage over the Government. The Government constantly needs grants of taxation (the annual budget is about £250billion). Because of the effect of the Parliament Acts 1911-49 and convention, the House of Common is of far greater importance in these matters than the House of Lords.

Who is the head of cyber security?

The head of cybersecurity varies depending on the organization or government agency in question. Here are a few examples: In the United States government, the head of cybersecurity is the National Cyber Director, a position that was created in 2020 as part of the National Defense Authorization Act. In the United Kingdom, the head of cybersecurity is the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), which is part of the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ). The current CEO of the NCSC is Lindy Cameron. In private companies, the head of cybersecurity is typically the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), who is responsible for managing and implementing the company's cybersecurity strategy. The specific title and responsibilities may vary depending on the organization.

What does case echelon means?

Case Echelon ECHELON is a term associated with a global network of computers that ... said the controversy is a case study of the public's willingnessECHELON is a term associated with a global network of computers that automatically search through millions of intercepted messages for pre-programmed keywords or fax, telex and e-mail addresses. Every word of every message in the frequencies and channels selected at a station is automatically searched. The processors in the network are known as the ECHELON DictionariesECHELON ECHELON connects all these computers and allows the individual stations to function as distributed elements an integrated system. An ECHELON station's Dictionary contains not only its parent agency's chosen keywords, but also lists for each of the other four agencies in the UKUSA system [NSA, GCHQ, DSD, GCSB and CSE]Easily found doing a Google search on Case Echelon