Film terminology is a set of terms or words that refer to specific aspects of film and cinema. This includes terms such as movies, film reviews and director.
The duration of Film - film - is 1440.0 seconds.
It means that the film Scream (by Wes Craven) is referring from within its content to the film genre it is part of: the horror film. The film follows the story of Cindy but the characters also check it against the genre of the horror film, as if there's another film, a more general one, within the film.
Which model made his film debut in the film 'tarkieb
The duration of To - film - is 1.42 hours.
The duration of After... - film - is 1.33 hours.
electronic film production
Reviews in a film magazine
Jargon is not necessary to use in writing a student review.
Terminology has five syllables.
"Nomenclature" is specific terminology.
Anatomical terminology is terminology which describes parts of the body. The majority of Anatomical terminology is overwhelmingly derived from Latin, followed by Greek.
Salesmen need to know all the terminology for the business they represent.He wasn't sure about most computer terminology.
Terminology on data information and files?
Terminology is a noun it doesn't have any tenses.
In collection terminology what does DSO stand for?
terminology of ground water control
It is the suffix for Cell in medical terminology.