Double-aught refers to the size of the shot (or pellets) contained within the shell, each of which in this case is roughly 8.1mm (0.33") in diameter.
Randall Ott's birth name is Charles Randall Ott.
Frieder Ott was born in 1972.
Ramin Ott was born on June 22, 1986.
Warrene Ott was born on January 23, 1942, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.
Robert Ott Boyle died on May 16, 1989, in New York City, New York, USA.
Is it a screw in choke?
Mel Ott's birth name is Melvin Thomas Ott.
Ott is 5' 5".
Randall Ott's birth name is Charles Randall Ott.
Ed Ott's birth name is Nathan Edward Ott.
Warrene Ott's birth name is Ott, Warrene Ann.
Fred Ott's birth name is Frederick P. Ott.
Aspen Ott is 5'.
OTT is an acronym in most instances to mean "over the top." This type of language is usually used in text speech and will hardly ever be found spoken aloud.
With double triggers YES
Urmas Ott died in 2008.
Frieder Ott was born in 1972.