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Scene is short for scenario - a scenario on screen that helps to forward the plot or tell the story in a movie.

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Q: What is definition of a movie scene?
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The mood of a scene in a movie or play that could create emotion within the audience.

Is it the end scene or just another scene in the movie?

The scene in question is the final scene of the movie, not just another scene.

What is the definitoin of an epic tale?

In these times, epic is very blurry definition. When we think of something epic, we mean something from middle ages, or further, and some sort of long and hard adventure. That's about the real definition. But now, it can also be something like the scene from the movie "300", what is now called, as the "THIS IS SPARTA!!!!!"-SCENE. Everything in that scene represents what todays definition for epic stands for.

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The definition of leaving the scene of an accident is a person who flees an accident after being part of it. They drive off without giving insurance information or waiting for the police to arrive at the scene.

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opening scene

How do you use the word scene in a sentence?

The scene in the movie was hilarious.

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The movie? The best scene in the movie is when Will is trying to sing. That is by far the best.

Was Heather Graham In Goldmember?

It has been reported that she did record a scene, though the scene was never seen in the movie

What is a movie clip?

A movie clip is a single 1-5-minute scene from a given movie. A movie is a collection of scenes that tell a story.

What is a movie segment?

A movie segment is a part of a movie, usually a scene ;-)

What is the difference between a movie scene and a movie shot?

A scene can contain multiple shots. A shot is one isolated take.