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Its simple possession of narcotics

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Q: What is csa-ki possession in Pa?
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Is there Jail time for illegal possession of handgun in PA?

It depends on exactly what you're asking, but in every state in the U.S. you can go to jail for illegal possession of a handgun.

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What are Pa's charges for being caught with a loaded firearm?

Not enough details to answer your question. If you're carrying a loaded firearm in a legal manner, and in legal possession of it, there'd be no charge.

Can you drive in pa with a NY jr license?

No. Pennsylvania is one of the states which does not permit the operation of a motor vehicle in their state by someone in possession of an out-of-state learner's permit, Jr. Licence, etc.

What does possession of a firearm mean What do you have to do to have possession?

In oder to be in possession it has to be on you or in your sorroundings.

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What is mere possession?

Mere possession the physical control or possession that a person has on an object. This type of possession has nothing to do with who lawfully owns the object.

Can you make a sentence using the word possession?

Definition of possession - the act of having and controlling property.Examples of it used in a sentence:She had possession of her things.They took possession of the ball.

Can you use the future tense of have in possession?

The future tense of "have" in possession is "will have." For example, "I will have possession of the keys tomorrow."