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AnswerThis is a commandment against adultery and even against wanting to commit adultery with a married woman. The commandment does not extend to sexual relationships with single women.
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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 8y ago

Wanting to have sex with her.

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Q: What is coveting neighbor's wife?
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What does covet your neighbors wife mean?

The Biblical prohibition against coveting is the prohibition against wanting the possessions of another. For covering a wife, it is necessary to understand that until recently a wife was a chattel (a possession) of the husband, not a person. She was lumped in with livestock and other physical possessions. It is assumed that you would be coveting if you just wanted to have sex with her, not own her.Interestingly the Christian god has not bothered to impose the "no coveting" restriction on wives that lust after other women's husbands.

What person or things are you not to covet?

The law prohibits coveting (longing for) your neighbor's things and your neighbor's wife.

Is a man coveting my wife if he visits her while I'm at work?

It really depends on the intentions and what's going on.

What is individual sin?

swearing, coveting your neighbors wife etc.

When was In Coveting Ways created?

In Coveting Ways was created in 2002.

How is your neighbors wife related to you?

not related

What are some places in the bible that speak on coveting?

One place in the Bible that speaks on coveting is Exodus 20:17, the last of the ten commandments. The tenth commandment is "You shall covet your neighbor's house. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife, or his manservant or maidservant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor."

Is going to war for oil coveting?

Yes depending on your views going to war over oil can be considered coveting.

Is connecting to the internet via your neighbors WiFi legal?

if i understand the question correctly you want to know if going on the internet to chat with your neighbors wife is okay? the answer is yes. if you want to go on the internet with your neighbors wife's password is legal if she lets you it is legal; if you somehow get her info without her knowing about it , the answer is not legal

What is the meaning of 'You shall not covet your neighbor's wife nor goods'?

AnswerEarly Hebrew society was intensely patriarchal, so the Ten Commandments were written for men, not for women. Adultery with another man's wife was proscribed, but there was no prohibition on a married man having sex with a single woman or a widow. The commandment did not prohibit an available woman from coveting another woman's husband, although, as in all societies, a girl's virginity was important if she wished to marry well. In the Old Testament, a neighbour was a fellow-Hebrew. So coveting or desiring a gentile's wife or goods was not proscribed.

How do you get closer of neighbor sweet wife?

neighbors generally are the people who live next to u. there r always the across the street neighbors, or the round the block neighbors, though they really are those living at either side of your house

Why is coveting evil?

Because it is prescribed in the 10 commandments.