

Best Answer

the correct phrase would be nick and i

It would certainly be Nick and i (I was just thinking about somebody called Nick...)

It depends, sort of...

if you are making a an action, like Nick and you are doing something, then it would be Nick and I.


myself herself himself ourselves etc are called reflexive pronouns and refer back to the subject of the sentence so they shouldn't be used in the subject position.

We cooked the dinner ourselves.

Nick and I is correct.

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Q: What is correct Nick and myself or myself and Nick?
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Should the sentence end with Brian and myself or myself and Brian?

The correct sentence should be: Brian and I will be attending a seminar.

What is the size chart for Nick and Nora pajamas?

I don t think they have one...I have been looking for one myself for the past half hour

What is correct you and your mom's or your and your mom's?

Although myself is often used this way, it is always incorrect. The pronoun "I" or "me" should be used instead of "myself", and the context determines which one to use. "Your mother and I" is correct as a subject, but "your mother and me" is the correct form for an object. If you remove "your mother" from the sentence you are considering, it will be much easier to see whether to use "I" or "me".Examples1. Your mother and will pick you up after school. Since you would say "I will pick you up after school", and not "Me will pick you up after school", the correct sentence is "Your mother and I will pick you up after school."2. The Hartmans have invited your mother and to their cookout.Since you would say "The Hartmans have invited me to their cookout", and not "The Hartmans have invited I to their cookout", the correct sentence is "The Hartmans have invited your mother and me to their cookout."

Does Miley Cyrus have an enime?

yes, its nick jonas. yes, its nick jonas. yes, its nick jonas. yes, its nick jonas. yes, its nick jonas. yes, its nick jonas. yes, its nick jonas. yes, its nick jonas. yes, its nick jonas. yes, its nick jonas. yes, its nick jonas. yes, its nick jonas. yes, its nick jonas. yes, its nick jonas.

How tall is Nick Carozza?

Nick Carozza is 5' 11".

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Would it be better to write Myself and nick or nick and myself?

The more proper term would be to write Nick and Myself.

How do you spell myself?

That is the correct spelling of the pronoun "myself."

To start with myself Ram is correct sentence?

To start with ME, not myself.

Is it correct to say an individual and myself or me?

It is correct to say "an individual and me" in this case. "Myself" should be used reflexively (e.g. I did it myself) or for emphasis (e.g. I will do it myself), not as a regular pronoun alongside another noun or pronoun.

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Myself is reduntent-just remove that.

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yes, the answer is correct!!

Is this sentence grammatically correct- sometimes i amaze myself?

Yes, it is grammatically correct.

If you start a sentence with Myself and Robert are you using correct grammar?

No, the correct way to start the sentence would be "Robert and I are..." because the pronoun "I" is used as the subject of the sentence. Using "myself" in this context would be incorrect.

Is my family is myself your mom and your dad correct grammar?

No. Excruciatingly correct is My family is my mom, my dad and I. But we say My family is me, my mom and dad, or mom and dad and me.You should only use "myself" reflexively ( I wash myself regularly) or for emphasis ( I, myself, did this). Never use "myself" in place of "I" or "me."

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The correct sentence is: "Contact either John or me." The pronoun "myself" should not be used in this context.

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No, the correct phrasing is "It was said that she and Nick were just good friends." The subject pronoun "her" should be changed to the subjective pronoun "she" to maintain correct grammar.

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Yes, "Please submit the report to Johanna or myself" is correct grammar. The use of "myself" as a reflexive pronoun in this sentence is appropriate because it refers back to the subject, "I."