1329 Prescott Street is the Charmed Manors address.
Marnette Patterson is the woman who played Christy Jenkins on Charmed.
email address composition
I don't know about in real life but on tv the address is 1329 Presscott St.
Email address are not given out by Wiki.
1329 Prescott Street is the Charmed Manors address.
Trisha has one sister, Beth
what is keyshia cole sister neffe website?
a.lavigne97@yahoo.com also im her sister.
Marnette Patterson is the woman who played Christy Jenkins on Charmed.
The Charmed Ones are Prudence, Piper and Phoebe Halliwell. When Prue died then a 4th sister (half-sister with mom's whitelighter as father) Paige was discovered.
The fourth sister
i have no email address.
you have to add them as a friend on Facebook by either getting their name or email address!
i think she is sikh
Minnie does not have an email address.