Although some believe his human name was Stregoni Benifici, that alias is merely a myth he created. The Stregoni Benefici, is, by definition, a vampire that does not kill humans, and has a pure soul and does good in society. Carlisle's human name was never mentioned, nor was his last name.
His name is Carlisle.
At the beginning of the series, there are 7 Cullens: Dr. Carlisle Esme Emmett Jasper Rosalie Alice and Edward
When Carlisle became a vampire he discovered that it was better to be vegetarian vampires. When Carlisle was changed and he found out what he was he hid in an abandoned hay silo and then while he was wandering in the woods he saw a herd of deer and lost control but Carlisle then realised he could live on animal blood. so the Cullens have been vegetarians since Carlisle was changed.
Carlisle drives a black Mercedes S55 AMG.
His name is Carlisle.
Emmet's full name is Emmet Cullen, but he was born as Emmett McCarty.
no! carlisle is.
No, Carlisle Cullen is the oldest.
To the best of my knowledge, Peter Facinelli is his full name.
Peter Facinelli is the actor of Carlisle Cullen in the Twilight Saga
rosalie Emmett Alice jasper and edward; then carlisle then Esme
At the beginning of the series, there are 7 Cullens: Dr. Carlisle Esme Emmett Jasper Rosalie Alice and Edward
Bella goes to Edward's house in Chapter 15 of Twilight, titled "The Cullens".
carlisle , Esme , edward , rosalie , Emmett , Alice , jasper
The Cullens have graduated numerous times due to their immortal lifespan. In the Twilight series, Edward and Alice have graduated high school multiple times, while others like Carlisle and Esme have obtained higher degrees like medical and business degrees.
Mary Alice Brandon idiot!!!! You said it in the freaking question!!!!!!!!! Get an IQ