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bk's real name is Brandon Kane

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Does the BK in BK virus mean berkelium?

BK is not from berkelium but from the name initials of a person in which the first time the virus was discovered.

If a person filing for bankruptcy is married and the house is in the wife's name does he still have to list the house even if he's not on the deed?

As a general rule if a person's name is not on the title, then they do not "own" the property and it would not be included in BK. However, some community property states have specific laws governing real estate owned by married couples. It would be advantageous to find out the BK laws of the state of residency concerning real property.

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The chemical symbol of berkelium (Bk) is derived from his name.

Does berkelium have a family name?

Berkelium (Bk) is a member of the actinoids family.

What is Brandon Kane Nickname?

Brandon Kane nick name is BK-BABIIwoooooooow...its BK..and he just says babii in his songs nd stuff..get it right..lmmfao

What is the name of the big fish sandwich at Burger King?

BK big fish

What is is bk?

the term 'BK' stands for burger king. if someone calls you a 'bk' they are probably referring to you as a 'Bk Random' which is just a random person..the bk is totally irrelevant.It means Bad Kid.

If property taxes are not in your name can you file bankruotcy?

Of course having Prop taxes in your name is not a requirement for filing BK. For them to be included in your BK, you would have to prove they are a debt you are responsible for...perhaps through a lease or which case the debt as part of the lease would be included.

When was Sandefjord BK created?

Sandefjord BK was created on 1917-02-27.

What is bk stand for?

'BK' on msn stands for BACK. So if they have on there msn 'away' when they come back they might say: BK = BACK BK is also used for the term "Bankruptcy"

What is the point of a horse show name?

It is NOT a show name, it is a Registered name. This is the name which they are registered for, like my horses name is BK Star Fire. A Stallion at my barn is Emerald Afire. My Arab is from the BK lines, Emerald is from the Afire lines. Its not like someone walks around, calling someone by their full name, that's like *Come here Bob Chuck Junior the third Mc Frank.* Like, it's a FULL name, so I don't run around going *Come here BK Sta Fire.* Its *Come here Starrie*