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Q: What is billie pipers favourite animal?
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What is billie joe Armstrong's favourite animal?

A goat

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When is billie pipers birthday?

Billie Piper was born on 22 September, 1982.

Who is billie pipers biggest fan?

Alicia Fenton

What is the name of billie pipers autobiography?

growing pains

What billie pipers address for her house?

324 Shitlane Street

What is billie pipers David Tenant and frema agemans msn?

None of them have MSN.

Where do billie pipers clothes come from in Doctor Who?

The Waredrobe Department, within the BBC.

Who is Billie Pipers sister?

She has a brother named Charlie, and two sisters, Harley and Ellie

What is Billie Pipers Mailing Address?

Billie Piper Michael Foster Management 55 Newman Street London, W1T 3EB UK

Length of David Tennant' s penis?

Well billie pipers nickname for him is David Ten-inch! LOL that's the size