Lil Fizz likes a girl who is; shy, sweet, loving and understanding. She has to be smart and have a good sense of humor. Race does not matter. And for all you girls saying he likes dark skin better or light skin better it does not matter to him the skin complexion as long as you have the qualities (personality traits) that he is looking for.
I'm sure you're very bright in plenty of ways, Spencer.
Hermione Granger is Harry's very smart friend. She often checks his homework! LOL
Never a good idea. Especially for women living alone in the city.
DEFINETLY he is so fit
Smart = smart Good looking = pen/fin
yes,because being smart leads you to a good education.
People are not 'ugly' just because they are smart. Smart people can be good looking, or bad looking. However, there is no such thing as 'good looking' and 'bad looking' in general. How pretty or ugly someone is depends on an individuals opinion.
Be smart, good looking and nice!
"He is very smart and good-looking!" in English is Lui è molto intelligente e bello! in Italian.
of course!the smarter the better!
The SamSung Intensity ii is a very good phone! It's easy to text with and it is one of those good smart phones out there. It's better than most smart phones and in my personal response, I like it.
both are nice but God loves us all no matter what<3
Like a fox. Slang for good looking and smart.
truthful funny smart athletic caring nice good looking and one who likes me for being me!
Being healthy Looking good Feeling better and happier Avoiding disease, complications, and loneliness
Dating someone is not dumb. In order to find someone to marry one day you should date others so you know what type of person you are looking for. As long as you are being smart about who you are dating and what you are doing in that relationship, you are being smart, not dumb. Good Luck!