bardok does not have a last name just like goku does not have a last name
Squidward's last name is Tentacles. Squidward's last name is Tentacles.
his last name is butler
a maiden name is a last name that you had before you where married
her name is Selena and her last name is Gomez
Hidan does not have a last name........ I think
he is never mentioned
no turles is bardocks bro that means.
Till is Bardocks dad i believe but im not 100% certain
In Budokai Tenkaichi 2 it's only Bardock. I've beat the game. But this friends are in budokai tenkaichi 3.
bardock is very old but when he had raditz when he was in his teen ,he had goku when he was an adult,and then he was a grand and a great grandfather hes used to be age 60 but now hes in his 600
SANCHEZ !! SANTOS!! My last name is the last name that I will ever need. My last name is my surname. My last name is password-protected.
Is last name Channe or Channey a jatt last name?
it is possible that turles is bardocks brother though alot of the saiyans look alike so we cant be too sure but any way on the topic of gokus mom its most likely to be fasha her other name is celipa i don't no about that i think its in the Japanese version
Jenn McAllister, also known as jennxpenn, does not have a last name as her last name "McAllister" is her family name.
Linnaeus's last name was "Linnaeus." His full name was Carl Linnaeus.
a last name is the name after your first name like Sarah the first name and smith the last name. The family name, the surname.