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Q: What is an unusual trick or way of behaving?
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What is the meaning of nasty quirk?

an irritating habit or action.

What is a way of acting or behaving with witch an animal is born is called a?

what is a way of acting or behaving with which an animal is born is called an

What characteristics make flubber such an unusual substance?

science fiction does the trick.

Who is not behaving?

You can tell if they are not behaving on the way they act. If they are obeying the rules, that's GOOD behavior. If they DISOBEY the rules, that is bad behavior.

What isn the word for behaving in a good or holy way?



a reason or reasons for acting or behaving in a particular way

Is there anything unusual about the way pandas eat?

no there is not an unusual way red panda eat

What is the definition of idiosyncrasy?

1)A structural or behavioral characteristic peculiar to an individual or group. 2)A physiological or temperamental peculiarity. 3)An unusual individual reaction to food or a drug. A way of behaving, thinking, or feeling that is peculiar to an individual or group, especially an odd or unusual one An unusual or exaggerated reaction to a drug or food that is not caused by an allergy A peculiarity that serves to distinguish or identify. A characteristic peculiarity, as of temperament of a person. A distinctive characteristic of a thing.

What do examples mean?

a person or way of behaving that is seen as a model that should be followed

What is the meaning of 'fishing for compliments'?

It means deliberately behaving in such a way as to attract compliments.

What is a definition of predictable?

Something obvious or "easy to predict." Behaving or occouring in a way to be expected. :)

In what way is the nerve cell's shape unusual?

look in side a dictionary