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Gregorian chants or solo singing pieces are monophonic.

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All the songs from "The Sister Act" movies.

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Q: What is an example of a song in unison?
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What is the part of speech of unison?

"Unison" can be either a noun (much more often) or an adjective. Example as an adjective: The fourth part of the oratorio is a unison anthem. Examples as a noun: The fourth part of the oratorio is sung in unison; how pleasant it is for a family to dwell in unison!

What is an augmented unison?

In music, an augmented unison is an interval consisting of one note, and the note a semitone above, having the same note name. For example, C to C sharp would constitute an augmented unison.

What is the song playing in the redtails trailer?

Unison (knife party remix) - porter robinson

What song begins with a unison?

'My Darling Clementine', 'William Tell', Beethoven' 5th symphony

Who sings the total drama theme song?

the whole total drama cast in unison! :)

What part of speech is the word unison?

The word "unison" is a noun. It refers to the act of sounding together harmoniously, often used in music to describe two or more musical notes or voices played or sung at the same pitch or in octaves.

How do you spell unison?


What song is playing during the trailer for Red Tails?

Unison - Porter Robinson (Knife Party Remix)

What is the verb for unison?

The verb for unison is "unify."

What is unison spelled in French?

Unison in French is 'unisson'.

What does the word unison mean as in they turned in unison?


What does unison mean as in they said in unison?

At the same time.