An anonymous pipe, in computing, is a first-in first-out communication channel which may be used for one-way interprocess communicaion.
Gamblers Anonymous was created in 1957.
Khail Anonymous is 5' 9".
Anonymous grossed $15,815,509 worldwide.
Anonymous Logon is a member of the Special Identity Group
For horizontal run pipe it is Bottom of Pipe For vertical run Pipe it is back of pipe
"Garcon a la pipe" sold at a Sothebys auction in May 2004 for $104,100,000.00 to an anonymous buyer
Anonymous is an Collective Idea. anonymous is realy an idea, anonymous isn't a hacking group. there are computer hackers, who are joined to the Idea Anonymous, that's all. Anonymous is in our hearts, and we in theirs for freedom. everybody who lives for freedom,is anonymous. Anonymous could be you, could be me, could be your family, everybody is anonymous.
The correct spelling is 'anonymous'.
anonymous name card+anonymous name card+anonymous name card= folder
The word "anonymous" means not identified by name.
Is an Unknown Person. Example: From: Anonymous ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ To:___________
Alcoholics Anonymous has written: 'Survey of Alcoholics Anonymous in Great Britain 1991'
Yes, you are anonymous.
Gamblers Anonymous was created in 1957.
Parents Anonymous was created in 1967.
Debtors Anonymous was created in 1971.