Acinitis is the inflammation of an acinus, a granular mass which constitutes a compound gland.
Jovan Acin was born on May 23, 1941, in Belgrade, Serbia, Yugoslavia.
Sava Acin was born on June 18, 1944, in Ritopek, Serbia, Yugoslavia.
Jovan Acin died on August 5, 1991, in Belgrade, Serbia, Yugoslavia of road accident.
ac stands for Akanksha Chaaru
Applied Communication and Information Networking
In Dinka, you can say goodbye by saying "Kuŋ acin."
The cast of Ohridska legenda - 2008 includes: Dalija Acin Zeljko Grozdanovic
The cast of Vannica - 2002 includes: Zdenka Acin as Vannica Muriel Kauffmann as Bubby Leibowitz Max Teichman as Mr. Leibowitz
S Acin on a urine culture report likely refers to Staphylococcus saprophyticus, which is a type of bacteria commonly found in the gastrointestinal tract and can sometimes cause urinary tract infections in young women. It is important to consult with a healthcare provider for proper diagnosis and treatment if S. saprophyticus is identified in a urine culture.