A yardbird is United States slang for a chicken, someone who is imprisoned, or a soldier required to perform menial work on a military base.
Charlie Parker acquired the nickname "Yardbird" early in his career, and then shortened it to "Bird"
"Birdland" is a song paying homage to one of the most influential jazz saxophonist of the 20th Century: Charlie Parker. Parker obtained the nickname "Yardbird" which was eventually shortened to "Bird". When an aficionado of bebop jazz spoke of Bird, everyone knew who he was talking about. The song made popular by The Manhattan Transfer is replete with references to famous jazz artists that played with Parker. "Bird would cook, Max would look" obviously refers to Charlie "Bird" Parker and Max Roach, a stylistic drummer of the bebop period. "Miles came through", refers to the great Miles Davis, considered the premier jazz trumpeter of the post-WWII era. "'Trane came too" is in reference to John Coltrane, a key tenor saxophonists who often played with Miles Davis and Thelonious Monk. "Basie blew, Blakey too" refers to Count Basie, a jazz pianist and band leader from Charlie Parker's home town of Kansas City and Art Blakey, another influential bebop drummer known for his hard driving drumming technique. "Cannonball played that hall", is Julian "Cannonball" Adderley, a jazz alto saxophonist who was a member of the Miles Davis Sextet and later headed his own quintet.
The cast of Yardbird - 2011 includes: Ruben Carabeo as Yardbird 1 Kevin Patrick Murphy as Yardbird 3 Russ Tiller as Yardbird 2
Dizzy Yardbird - 1950 is rated/received certificates of: USA:Approved USA:Passed (National Board of Review)
For Your Love.
Charlie Parker
Charlie Parker acquired the nickname "Yardbird" early in his career, and then shortened it to "Bird"
Yes, the term "yardbird" is the same as chicken. The term originates from the deep south in the late 1900s and was once common slang for local farmers.
The cast of Yardbird - 2012 includes: Wade Briggs as Jed Matt Callan as Sam Luke Elliot as Ben James Malcher as Mitch Mitzi Ruhlmann as Ruby
The cast of Dizzy Yardbird - 1950 includes: Nick Arno as Private Jessie Arnold as Ma Joe Besser as Pvt. Rodney Marblehead Emil Sitka as Private Bill Wallace as Private Dick Wessel as Sergeant Flint
Jazz Eb Alto Saxophonist Charlie YardBird Parker was from Kansas City, Missouri.
Bird, Yardbird, & Zoizeau (in France) I think that he recorded a album under the name of Charlie Chan.
Charlie Parker acquired the nickname "Yardbird" early in his career, and the shortened form "Bird" remained Parker's sobriquet for the rest of his life, inspiring the titles of a number of Parker compositions, such as "Yardbird Suite" and "Ornithology."
In Savarstaad Pass: •Find Swiftbranch at the edge of Webwood. Continue forward facing the direction of Wildroot and stay close to the stone wall. The yardbird will be in front of a bush. •Stick to the right when you enter the Boar Camp. Behind the third hut will be the yardbird. In Vigrid Roughland (the numbers are messed up, sorry) : •The fourth yardbird is near the teleport stone, close to the berry bushes. Go all the way back toward the rock wall by the stream, it will be between two trees. (if you look on your map, you should be near the edge of it.) •The third yardbird; you cross the left bridge behind the teleport stone and take the far right path, past the Wildclaws. Take the path to the right again before you reach the stream, pass the Informers, take the path to the far right. You'll see more Informers. Then take the middle path that leads to Hans. Behind Hans is a path leading up and around a hill. Follow it to the very top and you'll find the yardbird. In Mirkholm Keep: • The fifth bird ; if you take the teleporting stone (the red one) you should be near the NPC Valt NightHowler. Diagonally to the left, there should be an entrance that leads to a secluded circle area. (there will be two paths, but take the one that's closest to you.) The yardbird will be there. **If you don't know where the NPCs are, look on your map.**