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C is one step above B

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Q: What is a whole step above B in music terms?
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A whole step consists of two half steps, the smallest note division excluding semitones, so one half step brings the pitch to an "A" and the second up to "B flat"

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One half step below the note. In other words; to go from D to C would be a whole step, to go from D to D flat would be a half step.

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It means the tone is 1/2 step above the note given. A full step would be to go from A to B, therefore a half step would be A sharp.

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C Natural is a whole step above B flat. If you look at a piano, a half step above B Flat is B Natural, and one more half step above that is C Natural. So it's a whole step from B Flat to C Natural.

What is a whole step above b?

C Natural is a whole step above B flat. If you look at a piano, a half step above B Flat is B Natural, and one more half step above that is C Natural. So it's a whole step from B Flat to C Natural.

What is a whole step above B flat?

C Natural is a whole step above B flat. If you look at a piano, a half step above B Flat is B Natural, and one more half step above that is C Natural. So it's a whole step from B Flat to C Natural.

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A sharp.

What Equals two half steps Music?

a whole step.