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the best way to tie someone up is that if you want to knock out a boy then wait until he is alone near the lockers. hit him on the back of the head so he is knocked out then grab him to the femail changing rooms and take him inside. make sure you lock the femail changing room then take his clothes off and pull down his trousers then put him on the bench and tie himm up with masking tap on his arms and legs so he cannot move then put some masking tape on the mouth so the person cannot speak and if you don't want him to see where he is then you get a hat and put ot on his face and put masking tape around it so it will not fall off and leave him there.

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Two words. Duct tape.

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If you cheat on someone and they still love you will you the break up?

If you are cheating on this person it may be in your best interest to let them go and take time for yourself to decide what you want or don't want. This way if you don't want to be tied down you won't be cheating on someone - its sounds as though you are ready to play the field and date as opposed to being commited. Be fair to the person you are dating and cheating on they do not deserve the way you are treating them.

Is being tied up ok?

If it excites you, and is done in a safe way, then yes, if you are in any way uncomfortable about it then no.

When was Tied Up created?

Tied Up was created in 1983.

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What would be the best way to deal with a situation where someone was tailgating you?

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