A Greek goddess, one of the nine Muses, daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyn; Terpsichore was a goddess of art, music, dance, and song, her name meant "delighting in dance". She was named Muse of choral song and dancing, and represented with a plectrum and lyre.
Terpsichore was not married although she is said to have had children by Apollo and Achelous.
He is a leader in Avant Guarde Chance music.
it's a type of music from Honduras
Secular music
false, incidental music is considered a form of program music.
The only known secular music by Praetorius was a set of instrumental dance tunes called Terpsichore.
Michael Praetorius (Apex)
Terpsichore was the muse of dance and music ~she was the mother of the sirens who were half woman and half bird.
No, Terpsichore is the Greek muse of dance.
Vanessa terpsichore was created in 1859.
She is sometimes reputed to be the mother of the sirens.
Terpsichore was not married although she is said to have had children by Apollo and Achelous.
Michael Praetorius
Michael Praetorius (Apex)
Terpsikhorê is the Greek name, Terpsichore is the Latin (Roman) spelling.
The Muse of dance.