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Usually an acoustic version

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a capella

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Q: What is a song without drums called?
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What does sin bateria mean in spanish?

It means "without drums"For example, if there is a version of song without drums.

How can I isolate the drums from a song?

To isolate the drums from a song, you can use audio editing software that has a feature called "drum isolation" or "drum extraction." This tool can help you separate the drum sounds from the rest of the music in the song.

When was Distant Drums - song - created?

Distant Drums - song - was created in 1963.

What is the role of the drums in the band?

To keep the beat and make the music a bit stronger. Think of your fave song without the drums and I betcha it'll sound weird.

Who sings the whistling song in the new 'sign then drive' VW commercial?

the drums, the song is called "lets go surfing"

What are the instruments in the song A Year Without Rain by Selena Gomez?

the answer is drums, base guitar, and electric guitar.

Song with drums then wa ah oh in beginning?

It's called Down with the Sickness by Disturbed.

Did Jeremy Clarkson play drums on Elvis Costellos song?

Yes, Clarkson played drums on Costello's song.

What is the work of the drums in the band?

Drums keep the whole timing of the song. They tell the other band members where they should be in the song.

What is it called when you want a song but its only the singer no guitars or drums or anything?

You're describing what would be called "a capella" singing - the voice alone, no instruments.

Does Craig Ferguson play drums on his opening song?

Yes he does. He played drums in a band when he was younger. He actually sings the song too. The entire song is posted on youtube.

Can you play xbox drums without pedal?

yes you cand but, don't just disconnect the pedal on the drums are you will fail when you play a song try looking at options ill try it then tell you if it works but i know it is possible