Bob the Builder is an architect.
John Bowers - loudspeaker builder - was born in 1923.
Samuel Green - organ builder - was born in 1740.
Bob the builder is not married to Wendy. they don't live together!?!?!?!? :-)
do story quest to get life skill pts buy fishing skill form grocer buy a boat from builder find harbour operator then click set sail then go fish ^^
do story quest to get life skill pts buy fishing skill form grocer buy a boat from builder find harbour operator then click set sail then go fish ^^
do story quest to get life skill pts buy fishing skill form grocer buy a boat from builder find harbour operator then click set sail then go fish ^^
do story quest to get life skill pts buy fishing skill form grocer buy a boat from builder find harbour operator then click set sail then go fish ^^
You can make money using a skill for languages by working as a Translator. Alternatively, you could also help tutor or teach another language. You can find jobs based on language skills at the Monster, Indeed and Career Builder websites.
website builder
There are many different businesses that would require the skills of a kitchen designer. One such place to find jobs looking for this specific skill set is "Indeed" or "Career Builder."
a builder is a person that is building something
Builder is a noun.
No, builder is a noun. It is a person.
Yes, builder is a noun, a singular common noun. A builder is a person who builds.