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It's a siren - there were two or three of them (according to the sources)in Greek mythology and they sang on cliffs, bewitching sailors into sailing too close and wrecking their ships.

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Q: What is a singer part woman part bird called?
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A bird does not have a part that is called a "detector beak." A bird can get diseases of the beak and early detection is the best way to combat these types of diseases, especially in pets.Ê

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Is a siren a different name for a mermaid?

No, a Siren is a mythical bird-woman from Greek mythology, they sing a mesmerizing song that hypnotizes sailors so they meet there doom. A mermaid is a woman with the upper body of a human, and a fish, eel, dolphin or snake tail, and they were a part of almost every country's myths and tales, they even date back to the Stone Age! J I hope this helped.

This New Zealand town has a part of a bird in its name?

The town is called Kereru, which is also the Māori name for the New Zealand pigeon bird.