A singer's nodule, also known as a screamer's nodule or a teacher's nodule, is a small, inflammatory or fibrous growth on the vocal cords. It typically occurs in people who constantly strain their voices.
more ladies are singers because they have better voices.
The first broadcast of the Grand Ole Opry
When all of God's singers get home.
Most singers depend on vocal musical talent, and do not swear. Swearing is more present in rap than in music.
they have got a root nodule
This is a noncancerous growth on the vocal folds, generally attributed to overuse or abuse of the vocal cords. These are most common in people who vocalize for a living - orators, singers, stand-up comedians, etc.
Only a doctor can order the tests to determine if any thyroid nodule is dangerous. A thyroid uptake scan will help your doctor determine if your thyroid is hot (active) or cold (inactive).
A benign fatty yellowish nodule is called a tumor.
There's blood supply inside of it not just leading to it
chancre is a term for a small hard nodule on body.
What is Hypoechoic to Isoechoic Nodule
The term "lung nodule" is the most commonly used description for such medical conditions. A lung nodule is usually noncancerous and does not exceed three centimeters. Any growth beyond that is a mass rather than nodule and is more likely to be a cancer.
A xanthoma is a yellow nodule or mass. The plural is xanthomata.
A nodule more than 2 cm in diameter is called a tumor.
Thyroid cysts are nodules filled with fluid. They can be small or large. If a nodule has both solid and fluid parts, it is called a complex nodule, and need to be removed if they cause pain or difficulty when swallowing.