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Horace gray is the realest crip ever

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12y ago

No need to even sugar coat it, Crips are all about gang bangin plain and simple nothing more nothing less.

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Q: What is a real crip?
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How do you 4 step crip?

U mean how do u do the Crip dance? ask a real Crip to teach u how to do it, they should know.

Is im a crip?

As long as u follow the rules and guidlines and know ur Crip knowledge than ur a real Crip.

Is colton a crip?

Coloton City Crips is a real Crip set yes, the rapper 40 Glocc(West Coast G-Unit rapper) is from this Crip set.

Was awol a real crip?

Kelly Park Comptom Crips

If someone asks you if you a crip what do you say?

If ur a real Crip and another Crip approaches u and asks if ur a Crip then of course u say yes and then u tell him or her what set u claim and they have to do the same. After that u can shake up(do the Crip handshake which all real Crips should know), but this ain't necessary as long as u both legit Crips the only thing that matters is letting each other know which set y'all claim. SIDE NOTES: *Real Crips don't claim the 6 point star and are NOT apart or even affiliated with the Folk Nation. Real Crips are apart of the Crip Alliance.

Where is crip city?

Crips are a gang that started in Los Angeles Cali in the 1960's. Their founders are Raymond Washington & Stanley ''Tookie'' Williams. *So the Motherland or ''Crip City'' is Los Angeles California. But u can be a real Crip outside of Cali u just have to have a Cali connect to real Crips from Cali.

When did the bloods and crips form the alliance?

The Cip Alliance started in the 1960's & if a Crip set is not under the Crip Alliance then they're FAKE!. The Blood Alliance started in the 1970's & if a Blood set is not under the Blood Alliance then they're FAKE!. SIDE NOTES: Real Bloods are NOT under the U.B.N.(United Blood Nation), neither are they under the People Nation, real Bloods are under the Blood Alliance. Real Crips are NOT under the U.C.N.(United Crip Nation), neither are they under the Folk Nation, real Crips are under the Crip Alliance.

Is tyga a crip or a blood?

tyga is a crip.

Is lil webbie a crip for real?

Webbie part of the Rolling 60 crips.

Is cgd a real crip set?

No, "cgd" is not a known or recognized crip set in gang culture. It is important to exercise caution and not assume legitimacy or credibility without verified information.

What is the song called that plays during the London 5 crip walk?

Outlawz - Real Talkz

Is Omarion a crip?

Not only is Omarion NOT a Crip but he's NOT a gang banger in general, this is the same dude that was in a girlyboy banned (B2K) back in the day real Crips would not accept this dude in their set.