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It's called a dotted minum

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thanks man'
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12y ago

A dotted minim has three crotchet beats.

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a dotted half note

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a dotted line

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What is note 3 beats

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Q: What is a note worth three crotchet beats?
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How many beats is a crochet worth?

I believe you mean "crotchet" which is a British musical term for quarter note. In 4/4 (common) time it receives one beat.quaver = eighth note; semi-quaver = sixteenth note.minims = half notes (two crochets); semibreves = whole-notes (four crotchets)source:

What dotted note has three beats?

A dotted half note has three beats; you hold it for three counts.

How many beats does a minim have?

Like any other note, how many beats it is worth depends entirely on the time signature. But it is equivalent to a half note. The bottom number of the time signature indicates which note equals one beat. In 4/4 time, a quarter note gets one beat, so a minim would be equal to 2 beats. In 2/2 time (or 4/2, or anything else with a 2 on the bottom), a half note is one beat, so also a minim would be one beat.

How many beats does a quaver with tails have?

A quaver with one tail is an eighth beat, that is, an eighth of a whole note (semibreve), or half a standard beat (crotchet).A quaver with two tails is not a quaver at all, but a semiquaver, and is a sixteenth of a whole note.== ==

How many beats does a dotted half note have?

A dotted half note will always get three beats because a dote adds half the value of the note to the note. So a half note = 2 beats, 1/2 of 2 = 1, so 2+1=3. If you are in 4/4, it equals three beats. If you are in3/4, it equals three. 2/4 and 2/2 cannot have a dotted half note because the value is too big. In 6/8, the value changes because the eighth note gets the beat instead of the quarter note. So then the dotted half note would get 6 beats, instead f three because everything is basically doubled. Hope that helps!!

Related questions

What A dotted note has three beats.?

Assuming they are crotchet beats, the note worth three crotchet beats would be a dotted minim.

A dotted what has three beats?

Assuming they are crotchet beats, the note worth three crotchet beats would be a dotted minim.

How many crotchet beats are there in a minim?

A crochet is a note that lasts for one beat and a minim is a note that lasts for two beats so a crochet minim is a note that lasts for three beats as it is a the time of a crochet plus the time of a minim which is three beats...

What is a kind of note?

Below are a list of notes in the decreasing time values. Every note is worth half of the beats of the previous note: breve, semibreve, minim, crotchet, quaver, semiquaver, demisemiquaver, hemidemisimiquaver etc. The crotchet takes one beat in simple time signatures.

Are Two quaver notes equal to one crotchet note one minimum note a minim rest?

two semi quavers = a quaver two quavers = a crotchet two crotchets = a minim two minims = a semibreve hope this helps

How many semiquavers are in a dotted crotchet?

6 semiquavers worth a dotted crotchet

How many beats is a crochet worth?

I believe you mean "crotchet" which is a British musical term for quarter note. In 4/4 (common) time it receives one beat.quaver = eighth note; semi-quaver = sixteenth note.minims = half notes (two crochets); semibreves = whole-notes (four crotchets)source:

How many quarter beats in a crochet?

A crotchet has one beat. So it has four quarter beats. If the question refers to quarter note, it is an alternative name to the crotchet.

What is three crochetes equal to?

A crotchet is equal to one beat. Three crotchets take three beats. It is equivalent to a dotted minim--dotted half note.

What is the value of the dot?

A dotted note is worth one and a half times the worth of the same note without the dot. eg. a crotchet is worth 1 beat so a dotted crotchet is worth 1 and 1/2 beats. or, a quaver is worth 1/2 a beat so a dotted quaver is worth 3/4 of a beat.

What is half of a dotted crotchet?

1 and a halfIt's half as long again, i.e. three quavers long instead of two.

What is a minim worth?

A minim worth two beats. The dot to a note worth half of the note value. Hence the dotted minim has three beats.