I believe you mean "crotchet" which is a British musical term for quarter note. In 4/4 (common) time it receives one beat.quaver = eighth note; semi-quaver = sixteenth note.minims = half notes (two crochets); semibreves = whole-notes (four crotchets)source: http://www.shanemcdonald.org/music/learn-types-of-music-notes.html
A dotted half note has three beats; you hold it for three counts.
Like any other note, how many beats it is worth depends entirely on the time signature. But it is equivalent to a half note. The bottom number of the time signature indicates which note equals one beat. In 4/4 time, a quarter note gets one beat, so a minim would be equal to 2 beats. In 2/2 time (or 4/2, or anything else with a 2 on the bottom), a half note is one beat, so also a minim would be one beat.
A quaver with one tail is an eighth beat, that is, an eighth of a whole note (semibreve), or half a standard beat (crotchet).A quaver with two tails is not a quaver at all, but a semiquaver, and is a sixteenth of a whole note.== ==
A dotted half note will always get three beats because a dote adds half the value of the note to the note. So a half note = 2 beats, 1/2 of 2 = 1, so 2+1=3. If you are in 4/4, it equals three beats. If you are in3/4, it equals three. 2/4 and 2/2 cannot have a dotted half note because the value is too big. In 6/8, the value changes because the eighth note gets the beat instead of the quarter note. So then the dotted half note would get 6 beats, instead f three because everything is basically doubled. Hope that helps!!
Assuming they are crotchet beats, the note worth three crotchet beats would be a dotted minim.
Assuming they are crotchet beats, the note worth three crotchet beats would be a dotted minim.
A crochet is a note that lasts for one beat and a minim is a note that lasts for two beats so a crochet minim is a note that lasts for three beats as it is a the time of a crochet plus the time of a minim which is three beats...
Below are a list of notes in the decreasing time values. Every note is worth half of the beats of the previous note: breve, semibreve, minim, crotchet, quaver, semiquaver, demisemiquaver, hemidemisimiquaver etc. The crotchet takes one beat in simple time signatures.
two semi quavers = a quaver two quavers = a crotchet two crotchets = a minim two minims = a semibreve hope this helps
6 semiquavers worth a dotted crotchet
I believe you mean "crotchet" which is a British musical term for quarter note. In 4/4 (common) time it receives one beat.quaver = eighth note; semi-quaver = sixteenth note.minims = half notes (two crochets); semibreves = whole-notes (four crotchets)source: http://www.shanemcdonald.org/music/learn-types-of-music-notes.html
A crotchet has one beat. So it has four quarter beats. If the question refers to quarter note, it is an alternative name to the crotchet.
A crotchet is equal to one beat. Three crotchets take three beats. It is equivalent to a dotted minim--dotted half note.
A dotted note is worth one and a half times the worth of the same note without the dot. eg. a crotchet is worth 1 beat so a dotted crotchet is worth 1 and 1/2 beats. or, a quaver is worth 1/2 a beat so a dotted quaver is worth 3/4 of a beat.
1 and a halfIt's half as long again, i.e. three quavers long instead of two.
A minim worth two beats. The dot to a note worth half of the note value. Hence the dotted minim has three beats.