I am not sure when the next musical animated Disney movie will be made. The last musical Disney movie was made in 2014 called Frozen.
Depends on what genre. I think animated movies cost more
It's called Pocahontas - The Girl Who Lived In Two Worlds
There is no real answer to that question. It an opinion.
They would be called non-Disney animated films.
The only movies I can think of are called "The Trunk" and "Animated America"... "Animated America" might be partially animated though..
I had heard that she is going to be doing the voice of Smurfette in the upcoming animated smurf movie. Not sure about non animated films though.
Sorry, there won't be a live action TDI movie. Instead their making a new series called Total Drama Action.
No, they will not be making a non-animated Pokémon movie.
According to there is no such movie.
The animated movie is called Muhammad:The Last Prophet (SAW)'s like The Message but animated for a family movie. Great picture!! Mashallah..You can order from websites like or or Sears had it i believe...?
I might be wrong, but there is a non-animated film with talking Lions called Pride. Hope that's what you're looking for :)
"Turandot" (1974). Animated short. Directed by Giulio Gianini and Emanuele Luzzati.
Other than a 1972 West German TV movie called Autos, I can't find any evidence that an animated movie called Autos even exists.
in 2009 Disney is releasing a new 2d cell animated movie called The Princess and the Frog.