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Q: What is a non animated movie called?
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What are animated movies that are not Disney?

They would be called non-Disney animated films.

What is one non-cartoon movie that might become popular and will have young teens in it and will be released sometime in 2008?

The only movies I can think of are called "The Trunk" and "Animated America"... "Animated America" might be partially animated though..

Is Katy Perry going to be in a movie?

I had heard that she is going to be doing the voice of Smurfette in the upcoming animated smurf movie. Not sure about non animated films though.

Will their be a Total drama island non animated movie?

Sorry, there won't be a live action TDI movie. Instead their making a new series called Total Drama Action.

Are they going to make a nonamiated Pokemon movie?

No, they will not be making a non-animated Pokémon movie.

When did the animated movie called Broken Feather come out Who was it made by?

According to there is no such movie.

What is the animated Islamic movie?

The animated movie is called Muhammad:The Last Prophet (SAW)'s like The Message but animated for a family movie. Great picture!! Mashallah..You can order from websites like or or Sears had it i believe...?

What is the name of non-animated film with talking lions?

I might be wrong, but there is a non-animated film with talking Lions called Pride. Hope that's what you're looking for :)

Is there an animated movie called torandot?

"Turandot" (1974). Animated short. Directed by Giulio Gianini and Emanuele Luzzati.

How long did it take to make the animated movie Autos?

Other than a 1972 West German TV movie called Autos, I can't find any evidence that an animated movie called Autos even exists.

Is a new Disney animated movie being made now?

in 2009 Disney is releasing a new 2d cell animated movie called The Princess and the Frog.