The duration of Sixth Happiness is 1.62 hours.
Did You Hear About The Morgans? (2009) is rated PG-13 for some sexual references and momentary violence.
Pink and yellow are probably the colors that symbolise happiness the most
Happiness - Vanessa Williams song - was created in 1996.
Pets do bring happiness if your sad but sometimes unknown dogs don't they tackle you
brief grief
The happiness is state of mind and it is internal. Pursuit of external happiness is like chasing a mirage. External happiness is only momentary and quickly overshadowed by doubts, and worries for example. Internal happiness or bliss is achieved through developing self awareness and living in the present moment. Non attachment to worldly, materialistic achievement can bring the internal happiness, nevertheless. The internal happiness that is once achieved is not only everlasting, but most satisfying experience. Material and non material attachments bring sorrow, sense of loss, greed, for example. These negative emotions are detrimental to our eternal happiness.
Momentary:adjective: lasting only a moment.Example sentences:There was a momentary silence when we saw the breathtaking view.Her momentary lapse of judgment has cost her the job.His momentary rant was heard by all.It is too bad that the contest was momentary.
A curse can be a blessing and a blessing can be a curse. Loss Truth is ugly. Happiness Silence
She felt a momentary sense of relief before the reality of the situation settled in.
This Momentary was created on 2007-06-25.
A momentary lapse of reason refers to a temporary loss of judgment or lapse in logical thinking. It can happen due to various factors such as stress, fatigue, or emotions. It is important to be mindful of these moments and try to address the underlying causes to prevent any negative consequences.
A Momentary Taste of Being was created in 1975.
The adjective form of "moment" is "momentary."
Epilepsy can affect people in different ways. Someone may have a momentary loss of consciousness and faint, but not necessarily have a full seizure. They can even have a momentary loss of conciousness and not faint. A simple way of describing this to someone who has never experienced it is to say it is like briefly daydreaming and then being alert again. This can happen without anyone else around the person even noticing.
A Momentary Lapse of Reason was created on 1987-09-07.
The cast of Momentary - 2012 includes: Carly Foulkes as Juliet