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groud grain into flour and used it to make bread

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Q: What is a miller colonial job?
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Yes, a surveyor is a colonial job[=

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How does a colonial miller make money?

By milling grain into flour.

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What other jobs did a Miller have besides the obvious one?

And miller had a job as being a father

What is the web address of the Colonial Williamsburg Job Line in Williamsburg Virginia?

The web address of the Colonial Williamsburg Job Line is:

What does miller?

The last name "Miller" reffers to a grainmill worker or owner. Colonists in Colonial times usually adapted to this name if they were a grainmill worker/owner :)

What is the phone number of the Colonial Williamsburg Job Line in Williamsburg Virginia?

The phone number of the Colonial Williamsburg Job Line is: 757-220-7713.

What does miller mean?

The last name "Miller" reffers to a grainmill worker or owner. Colonists in Colonial times usually adapted to this name if they were a grainmill worker/owner :)