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Q: What is a low angles shot?
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What were the camera angles in jaws the movie?

They Have Used Extablishing/Master Shot, Close Up Shot, Mid Angle Shot, Group Shot, High Angle Shot And Low Angle Shot.

What are the camera angles in the luhrmanns version of romeo and Juliet?

Dolly,Pan, Medium Shot, Close up, Establising shot

What angles would a director use to film the hero of a movie?

In a single shot, probably, the director would film from below the hero's eye-line. In a shot with other actors, the hero could be elevated or be made to stand out in some other way.

What Film techniques were used in the movie 'The others'?

Dolly in Dolly Out Swish Pan Close up Deep focus shot high angle shot Low anlge shot Point of view shot Low key lighting

If a rife is shot in at 100 yards will when moved to 50 yards will the rifle shot low or high?


What film techniques are used in the film Stand by Me?

camera angles: high and low angles different camera shots lightening and sound

A hard hit horizontal shot where the shuttle travals low over the net at great speed?

That's a drive shot.

What is the best shot placement to kill a deer with a shotgun?

A lung/heart shot is the best - low behind the front shoulder

Robert Kennedy like his brother was also assassinated. what office was he campaigning for when he was shot who killed him in what year did it happen?

He was shot June 6, 1968 in Los Angles while running for president. I saw him 2 days before his death when he flew into Fresno to take a train on a campaign tour to Los Angles.

What is an circus shot in Basketball?

A circus basketball shot is typically a one-hand, off balance throw and has a low percentage chance of making it in.

Angles would a director most likely use to film the powerful hero of a movie?


What causes a golf shot where the ball flies low and sharply to the right?

The dreaded SHANK.