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Q: What is a grail descriptor?
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Where is the holy grail thought to be located?

The Holy Grail is a legend and not a Biblical item. In the Scriptures you will find no reference to the holy grail, not even at the last supper with Jesus and the disciples. Since it is not an item that can be proven to be in existence and has been perpetuated in the Middle Ages and in modern books and movies you will never find out "where it was last seen". That is like asking where "the tooth fairy was last seen". Granted, it could exist but there is no archeological evidence of it and no theological evidence of it yet. But, as of yet it is considered to be only a legend. See the links below.

What does kanigget mean?

Kanigget was used in the film Monty Python and the Holy Grail. It is meant to be a French person trying to pronounce 'Knight' - K-nig-ght.

Which movie features the famous Round Table of King Arthur?

The Round Table was where Arthur sat with his Knights. It was given to him as a wedding present by Guinevere's father, and it showed equality through all the knights. The number seated around the table varies, but a minimum is about 12. There was a seat left empty where all who sat in it would die except one knight, the purest of knights- Sir Galahad, who sought the Holy Grail and is almost always listed as one of the Grail knights, if not the only Grail knight. A Round Table is viewable at Winchester Castle, and lists 25 knights, including Arthur himself.

What kind of panties does kaley cuoco wear?

I've personally seen her panties. She wears small boyshort panties, and regular bikini brief panties. They smell delightful after being worn, and she has a small stain on the crotch of each pair. In my opinion they are the holy grail of panties.

Who was the actor who played lancelot in the movie?

Which movie? Franco Nero played him in Camelot. Richard Gere played him in First Knight. Nicholas Clay played him in Excalibur. John Cleese played him in Monty Python and the Holy Grail. And those are just the ones I know of!

Related questions

When was The Children of the Grail created?

The Children of the Grail was created in 1996.

When was Grail Prince created?

Grail Prince was created in 2003.

When was The Mystery of the Grail created?

The Mystery of the Grail was created in 1934.

When was The Unholy Grail created?

The Unholy Grail was created in 1962.

What actors and actresses appeared in The Grail - 2002?

The cast of The Grail - 2002 includes: Magdalena Andersson as The Grail Jim Babel as Eugene

Who is the real grail knight?

Parzival is the real grail knight,not Gallahad

How many pages does Grail Prince have?

Grail Prince has 576 pages.

What type of word is after?

after is a time descriptor

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What is the function of the word happy?

A descriptor.

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When was Chasing the Grail created?

Chasing the Grail was created on 2010-01-26.