Spencia is the feminine of Spencer. Spencer is always a boy's name and Spencia is always a girl's name.
No, Spencer Pratt is not single.
The charchter of Alexander Spencer Meade can "prior" to trans-gender surgery can only be assumed to be played by Rebecca Romijn as well as the post operative "Alexis". It is very easy to make Alexis into Alex simply by removing the "feminine" makup and adding a few well placed facial prosthetics for a more "masculine" appearance.
Remi Spencer is 5' 4".
Spencer Hastings was created in 2009.
Spencer Batiste was born in 1945.
Oh, dude, the feminine form of Spencer is... wait for it... wait for it... Spencette! Just kidding! It's actually "Spencer" because names don't have to conform to gender norms. Like, who cares, right? So, yeah, Spencer works for any gender.
elizabeth Spencer
The address of the Spencer Branch is: 105 Park St., Spencer, 54479 0398
The address of the Spencer Library is: 41 North Main Street, Spencer, 14883 0305
Spencer Haywood's birth name is Spencer Haywood.
Spencer Redford's birth name is Jessica Spencer.
No Jason is in love with aria not Spencer. Spencer and Jason are brother and sister which makes Spencer and Ali sisters.
The address of the Spencer Historical Society is: Po Box 394, Spencer, OK 73084
The address of the Spencer Public Library is: 21 E 3Rd St, Spencer, 51301 4131
The address of the Spencer Township Library is: 110 West Main Street, Spencer, 68777 0189
John Spencer, 8th Earl Spencer, who was Princess Diana's father, was straight.