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Q: What is a cute person?
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Is Cherokee beautiful or cute?

she is both and a cute person i met

Are you a cute person?

yes i am

Is zorua cute?

yes it is, but it depends on what "cute" means to each person. though in my opinion zorua is cute.

What does it mean when someone calls you cute?

cute is a measurement of beauty when you are told you are cute, the person who tells you that "you are cute" wants 1 or 2 things 1-you become happy with their opinion of you 2-the comment attracts you to the person who said whether its 1 or 2 of these reaction is up to the person who said it but think about this? are you cute?

What cause and effect relationships about clothes?

Cute clothes+ugly person= Cute but shallow boyfriend or girlfriend. Cute clothes+cute person= Cute boyfriend or girlfriend. P.S.- I'm sorry to say it, but guys like it if you show a little skin.

Why does that person like you?

because your cute!

What a cutie?

It refers to a cute person.

What grade is caneron boynce in in 2013?

he is a awesome person and he is a veary like..............cute and he is an awesome person he is a great danser and a great happy person #cute #awesome #cuttie

How cute is Bella Swan?

it depends on the person.

Is kichmah ross a cute person?


Why are Asian guys cute?

Answer Personally I don't know if Asian guys are cute or not as I am a man, but Asian women are very cute. Cutness is all in the eyes of the beholder, so who you may find as cute, another person may find that person not so cute. You have to go on your own judgement. I guess, it is a matter of personal taste.

Why is snubbull so cute?

Snubull can be super cute or super ugly depending on the person. There is no middle point.