well, a cute animal is any animal that makes you want to go, "awe. the history behind cuteness is that when you see a animal that looks very young in age, the maternal instincts comes out and you feel as though you need to take care of it.
Hanataro Yamada from the anime Bleach, has a loyal fan base who think him very cute.
The Full Moon o Sagashite anime is complete at 52 episodes, however there is one ten minute OVA (direct-to-video) sidestory episode called Cute Cute Adventure that was released approximately halfway through the anime's original run.
Anime, anime, everythang anime, bag anime, watch anime.. And it goes on and on.
The previous answer is fcked up so i will improve it Anime is targeted towards teen and young adults unlike normal cartoon it is pretty boring Anime have cool moves , nice babes , cool villain .etc Anime have something unpredicted because Japanese has so much idea! Anime is MADE IN JAPAN! *Note Gundam can pwn Transformer anytime ^^ >.< Anime is technically a cartoon, but because there is usually more the the plot, and they generally have more exciting charactors, its more interesting and fun to watch =3 I myself like anime because I'm bored with life, and anime helps ease that boredom. Shounen animes, shoujo anime's, and a bunch of other animes, are all very exciting and it depends on the person whoever is watching it, to decide why they like it. And also because anime owns~! >=D ^^
Power Anime is an anime shop that has anime acsessories,of your favorite anime manga books and other things
Cute girls doing cute things.
Hanataro Yamada from the anime Bleach, has a loyal fan base who think him very cute.
Cute girls doing cute things.
The cutest human in the anime!
Yep that cute adorable hamster is Anime work!! I have all the Series!! I love Him!!!!
an anime with love story, comedy and lots of cute boys.
yes lol kinda wierd to say that an anime dude is cute haha.
Ok this is pretty simple. You can search on Google/Bing something like "Cute anime child." or "Cute anime picture."ORI would definitly recommend Deviant Art.com it's thee best website for fanart and stuff.__Hope this helps_~Neko-chan
No he's just a cute little cartoon! anime are Japanese cartoons this one is AMERICAN!!!!!
Fruit basket is a great anime! adorable cute, and funny, 100%
Anime is the animation, manga is the comics, and chibi is the over-exaggerated, super cute version.
They should made it An anime because it cute and good.but I don't know why they didn't do it.