A decorative pin won on the shoulder/breast of a blazer. Usually made of semi-precious stones and silver. Scottish in character and origin.
* Great Uncle Bulgaria - the Wombles' leader * Tobermory - an engineer and handyman * Orinoco - a shirker who loved sleep and food * Bungo - over-enthusiastic and bossy * Tomsk - athletic Womble * Wellington - scientifically inclined * Madame Cholet - a cook Later character names for the film and second TV series * Cousin Cairngorm McWomble the Terrible * Alderney - Madame Cholet's assistant * Shansi - often paired with Alderney * Miss Adelaide - schoolmistress * Stepney - East Ender with dreadlocks
Aside from Aragorn:-Estel ("hope"), in his childhood in Rivendell until he was told of his heritage.-Strider, by the people of Bree.-Elessar ("Elfstone") after the eponymous jewelled brooch given to him by Galadriel.-Elessar Telcontar, his ruling name. Consists of the aforementioned "Elfstone" which the people of Gondor called him, and the name Telcontar "Strider", which he added himself.-Thorongil ("Eagle of the Star"), during his time in the services of Thengel of Rohan and Ecthelion II of Gondor.-Dúnadan, which he is sometimes called in Rivendell and by Bilbo, who gave im that name in reference to his heritage as Chief of the Dúnedain.There are also various other praising or derogatory names that people called him by, such as "Longshanks" (by Bill Ferny) or "Wingfoot" (by Éomer) or "Envinyatar" ("renewer") but those are not proper names and/or were not used as names.
the mountain is called cairngorm
Cairngorm Club was created in 1887.
Cairngorm Mountain Railway was created in 2001.
The Cairngorm Hotel is a 3-star establishment.
Cairngorm McWomble
The homophone for "broach" is "brooch."
i'm not sure how brooch.
Cairngorm Mountain.
The Tara Brooch.
A brooch is an item of jewelry with a pin on the back to pin to your clothing.