What font is Bella's handwriting from the 'Twilight' movies?
The twilight book is written in Granjon. You can download it
from http:/www.fontyukle.com/en/ara.php?ara=granjon . Just copy and
paste that website and it will appear. You must download both
"Granjon" and "Granjon Italics" because: if you don't, the italic
will appear differently than meant. I hope this helped all you
twilight lovers! B.love.B Actually, I think the Twilight books are
written in Garamond 3, basically Garamond, except the G's are
different. You cannot get Garamond 3 without purchasing it, though.
And B.love.B is right, if you do manage to find Garamond 3, always
get the Italics, too, otherwise the italicized version is just the
font slanted. xX Horse Luv Xx