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A Beliber is a person who believes in Justin Bieber. They just blended the words believer and bieber together.

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Q: What is a beliber?
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Who is a big beliber in one direction?

i guess Niall Horan

What was Justin bibber school?

first of all your not a Beliber because its justin bieber and he went to a canadian school -.-

HOW many strands of hair does Justin Bieber have?

over 400 billion strands of hair....... I'm a true beliber

Is never say never a good movie?

ITS AWESOME ! if your a beliber you'll love same aas i did . but even if your one of those ppl how hate jusin bieber the movie you'll still LOVE it . <3

Why are the Beliebers threatening Selena gomez?

they want Justin bieber all to them self.. I'm a beliber but i love Selena Gomez too i think they make a cute couple and as long Justin is happy I'm happy.

Who is the number one belieber?

Everyone knows Hana Choudrey is the biggest belieber ever and that she will marry justin.

Does Justin Bieber have a brother named dylan?

Justin Bieber does not have a brother he has two sisters name Tatianna Bieber and Hollee bieber and i would know that because When i meet him at a meet and greet we got to ask one question>>> Well, in this Twitter, he mentioned that his half-brother, Jaxon Bieber was just born. And I think he also has a sister named Abbie (they have different last names due to family matters they wish not to discuss) and Jasmin, but I'm not really sure.>>>>> well ACTUALLY! I am the #1 bieber fan and to prove it i have 101 posters of him in my room! Beat that! Ok anyway, he has a sister named jazymn and a half brother named jaxyn!I Can Beat That! I have 257 Posters And clippings of him and i have all his albums, iv met him twice and iv been to 6 of his concerts :) and no he doesnt have a brother named Dylan he has a half brother and sister of Jeremy's side (dad) and their not called tatianna and hollee so your obviosly lieing :L he dosent have a sister called abbie and exuse me but i don't think our the number one bieber fan atall! his brother and sister are called jazmyn and jaxon xoxo PS. im the ultimate beliber and i have a heavy case of bieber feverNo. His only siblings (actually, step-siblings on his dad's side) are Jaxon and Jazmyn Bieber.