A Twilighter is a huge fan of the Twilight Saga written by Stephanie Myer aka an obsessed person basically.
Let's see ummmm Well I think that a sure fire way to annoy a twilighter like myself is tell them that twilight is bad
Jacob Ephraim Blacksigned a real twilighter (luvs the books not the movie)
I think he goes to a private reservation in La Push. Just as in Twilight.I hope it helped you,From: A twilighter ;)
That is the random question have asked but has far asI'm concerned no he has not but I'm not to big on sesame street more of a twilighter!!!!!!!!!!
I can't help you with this question because I read it in Spanish But, when Bella is in Port Angels it is written "Stupid silver Volvo vampire" :Twilighter
John Sidney McCain 111 John Sidney McCain III (3rd)
Taylor has stated that he wouldn't mind dating a fan, BUT keep in mind that this does not mean that he is actually looking to date a Twilighter. There isn't anything wrong with keeping up hope though! And he love's the name Michelle so anyone with the name Michelle is very lucky!
yesh but edward is soo much sexierNo efence fellow twilighter but he isn't that nice in real life. But in the film that's a different story he is soo good looking! But Emmett he is fit. i am soo jelouse of roselie. he's my monkey man and i want to smash houses with him. Emmett Cullen/Kelen luntz i love you!
No...not completely obsessed. I started watching the movie over and over again. I guess you could say that you are in love with it. A person that has every piece of merchandise from twilight is obsessed.
A "Twilighter" refers to a casual fan of the Twilight saga, while a "Twihard" is a term used for more dedicated and passionate fans who are deeply invested in the series. Twihards are known for their extensive knowledge of the story, characters, and actors involved in the Twilight franchise.
nobody knows! it's a stupid book who cares if edward and Bella and Jacob are all making out together or whatever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anti-twilighter. Anyway.. I like the Twilight saga because its a good set of books. I think the author is very talented and she also wrote The Host which is even better than the Twilight saga. When I first read the Twilight saga I thought OMG EDWARD CULLEN I LOVE YOU. And now I look back on my self and think OMG what a weirdo. I hate the twilight movies though.