A UMD is a Universal Media Disc
PSP Game UMDs are not region coded, BUT the movies are... So if anyone knows how to do this let me know.
how to unlock masked kane on wwe 12 on psp
Yes its normal. The psp versions of SVR did not have commentary
There is no such thing as a 'PSP 2000 UMD'. UMDs are UMD's, they have no PSP model-specific variants.
If you mean PSP games on UMD, no, the PSP Go does not have a slot for UMD.
PSP Go do not have UMD slots.
The PSP Go does not have a UMD reader, you cannot play a UMD game on it.
You just open the back of the PSP and pull the UMD disk out.
no it will not because psp go has no umd slot.
No, the PSP Go does not feature an UMD drive.
You mean UMD's Yea? Well you go to games on the psp menu then click on UMD
No PSP Go does not play UMD discs. UMD discs only work in the regular PSP handheld gaming system.
The PSP has no slot for UMD discs, it cannot read them at all.
On the PSP go you have to download games because there isn't a UMD drive, but on the PSP slim there is a UMD drive. If you already have a bunch of UMD's I strongly recommend getting PSP slim. But if you don't have any UMD's your best bet is to get a PSP go. PS ----> I hope this Helped!
It allows you to play the UMD game.